My Favorite California Missions

There are over 20 California Missions and this map display only my favorite ten.  Below is a list (ordered from North to South) of the missions that appear on my illustrated map.

  1. Mission San Francisco de Asis – The mission is the oldest surviving structure in the San Francisco area. The mission was founded on June 29th 1776 by Lt. Jose Joaquin Moraga and Francisco Palou. The mission brought Spanish settlers to ulta (upper) California and had as one of its main objectives to convert Natives to the Catholic faith.
  2. Mission Santa Cruz – The Mission was founded in 1791 by Father Fermiin Francisco de Lasuen. The mission is the site of the first autopsy in ulta (upper) California.  The current Holy Cross Church was built on the site of the original mission in 1889.
  3. Mission San Antinio de Padua – The mission was founded on July 14, 1771. The mission is the site of the first Catholic wedding in California.  Lt. Col. Juan Bautista de Anza and 240 immigrants occupied the mission and helped establish a land route between California and Mexico.
  4. San Carlos Borromco de Carmelo Mission – The mission is on the National Register of Historic Places and is a US National Historic Landmark. It was founded in 1770 and first headed by St. Junipero Serra. It is the only mission with an original intact bell tower.
  5. Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa – Founded in 1772 by Fr. Serra. It is the only mission with a combined belfry/vestibule and the only one with an internal L-shape plan.
  6. Mission La Purisma -Originally founded in 1784, the mission originally occupied over 470 square miles and kept 24,000 head of cattle.  The mission was famous for its high quality hides and blankets. It is the most extensively restored mission in the state and is now part of a state park.
  7. Mission Santa Barbara – Founded by Padre Fermin Lasuen in 1786, it is the 10th mission in the California Chain. The mission is a US National Historic Landmark and on the National Register of Historic Places.
  8. Mission San Buenaventura – Located near present day Ventura California, the mission was founded in 1782. The mission was named after St. Bonaventure, a 13th Century Franciscan saint and doctor of the church.
  9. Mission San Luis Rey de Francia – Known as the “King of Missions” , the mission was founded in 1782.  It was named for King Luis IX of France who led the Crusades to the Holy Land in the 13th Century.
  10. Mission San Diego de Alcola – The first of the Franciscian Missions in California, the mission was founded on July 16, 1769 by Spanish Friar Junipero Serra. The mission is on the National Register of Historic Places and is a US National Historic Landmark.

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